The Hottest Landscaping and Hardscaping Designs of 2017

Are you planning to upgrade your outdoor spaces this year? Have you contacted your home décor specialist yet? For your home to look beautiful throughout the year, you need to keep up with the current trends. You may want to borrow ideas from the following trendy outdoor décor styles:

  1. Statement plants

There is that one plant at your friend’s home that always steals the attention from the rest. You may not have noticed it before, but that is a trendsetter. This year, you will notice a few more show-stoppers. Rather than admiring other people’s, why not have a statement plant of your own? Create that focal point in your home with plants such as berries, pomegranates, or hydrangeas. These plants are often termed the one-pot wonders.

  1. Backyard edible gardening

Everyone is facing a hard time. In honor of Mother Nature and promotion of green living, you should borrow this trendy idea and plant a few food plants in your backyard. Besides eco friendliness, most edible plants have vibrant colors – the fruits, flowers and sometimes the stems as well. They are also easy to maintain and they will save you a lot of money otherwise spent on grocery shopping. Don’t you thinkthat this should be the new perennial backyard trend?

  1. Extreme naturalism

Incorporating natural boulders is the new in thing. Overgrown hedges, stones, and boulders are naturally beautiful. These are some of the cheapest landscaping resources. Just ensure that the hedges are trimmed and free of diseases or pests to protect your home from an infestation.

This is also associated with mainstream sustainability, a trend that puts emphasis on drought-resistant plants and low-maintenance gardens. You should consider contacting a professional gardener to advise you on these trees depending on where you are. A gardener or an arborist can advise you on tree pruning or tree removal. There are several climate-adapting flower varieties on the market too. You should also ask about these for timeless beauty in your gardens.

  1. Small-scale luxury

If you aren’t big on digging and weeding in farm-like conditions, small-scale luxury gardening is just what you need.  There are many plant varieties that can be grown in pots. Look outfor crawling clematis or hydrangea hedges, or make a mini-rose garden. You can also find compact versions of traditionally large flowering plants.

  1. Color-changing plants

These are also called the chameleon plants with conifers as the best examples. These coniferous plants can change color from green to bronze, to purple and orange depending on the season.

  1. High-quality hardscaping materials

Well, this isn’t the year for showy plants. This year will see an increase in the number of homeowners investing in high-quality hardscaping materials for good designs. Quality is chosen over quantity in terms of the plants too.

In conclusion, in keeping up with trends, you should always consider the affordable and sustainable options. While adapting to the trends, you should remember not to get lost in the mix. Pick the ideas that work for you and if you think your landscape and the garden is trendy for you, focus on maintenance. You may also consider adopting these options later on. A well-manicured garden wins when you have limitations to adopting the trends.

Author Bio
David Wicks is a landscape expert working with a leading tree care company in Dallas. For tree care and landscaping services, visit