Lighten and Brighten Your Home with These Tips

Scrolling through social media, it’s easy to think everyone’s home is light and bright all the time. Looking around your own home might feel like a dark, dingy cave in comparison. While it’s not a good idea to hold our homes up to the standards of edited photos on social media, if you’re craving more light in your life, there are several things you can do.

Brightening your home isn’t just about image either. A bright home is aesthetically pleasing and helps promote happiness and a positive mindset. If you’re longing for light and want to brighten up your home, try implementing some of these tips.


As the agents at Michael St. Jean Realty real estate firm know, it’s amazing what a coat of paint can do for a home. It might seem like an obvious solution, but the results can’t be emphasized enough. If you have a dark or even medium colored paint, it can really darken a room, especially if it’s in a darker area of your house.

Changing the color can visually transform a room, creating brightness everywhere, including the corners. Using a white, light gray, or soft blue will do wonders in brightening up your space.

Bright Bulbs

When was the last time you gave any thought to the color temperature of your lightbulbs? Probably never. Most people only consider wattage at most when purchasing lightbulbs. But the color of the bulbs in your matter and have a significant effect.

Soft white gives a warm, cozy feeling, while warm white casts a yellow-white. Bright white is more energetic, and daylight provides a bluish tone. Picking the right color temperature for the room can drastically alter the brightness and overall feeling of a room.

Light Furniture

Dark colored furniture and floors can be exquisite, but they also darken a room. Choose white or light colored furniture as often as you can. This, combined with light colored walls, can really open up a room, making it feel both bigger and brighter.

If you have dark floors that you aren’t planning on changing anytime soon, try adding a light rug to soften the space.


Mirrors work wonders for bouncing light around a room and making a space feel visibly larger than it is. Used strategically, mirrors can amplify light from natural sources, like windows. This is an easy and effective way to focus the light where you want it.


You might not think of your home as dirty, but sometimes all it needs to brighten up is a good, thorough cleaning. We’re talking that deep clean where you wipe every surface, getting into cracks and crevices and tackle every speck of dust. Your home will feel brand new, bright and clean after this.

These are some of the most effective ways to lighten and brighten your home. Try out one, a few, or all of these tips to bring light into your space and feel all the positive benefits it provides.